Use of has to,have to in hindi

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Use of has to, have to

Has to Have to in hindi

Has to have to ka prayog*

जिन वाक्यो के अंत मे ना है, ने है, पड़ता है ,पड़ती है , पड़ते है। आदि शब्द आते है तथा इस प्रकार के वाक्यो में मजबूरी प्रकट होती है।


Rule- Sub + has + to + V 1 + obj + other

उसे नहाना पड़ता है

He has to bath.

मुझे आगरा जाना पड़ता है

I have to go Agra.

मुझे आज निकलना ही है।

I have to leave today.

उसे यह काम एक सप्ताह के अंदर समाप्त करना ही है।

He has to finish this work in 1 weak.

सोहन को सब्जी लानी पड़ती हे।

Sohan has to bring the vegetable.

मुझे उसे मारना ही है।

I have to kill him.

Negative Sentences

sub + has/ have + not + to + v1 + other

मुझे मुम्बई नही जाना पड़ता है।

I have not to go to Mumbai .

उसे दिन में नही पड़ना पड़ता है।

He has not to read in the day .

आपको पत्र नही लिखना पड़ता है।

You has not to write a letter.

सुरेश को भीख नही मांगनी पड़ती है।

Suresh has not to beg.

मदन को सब्जी लेने नही जाना पड़ता है।

Madan has not to go to bring the vegetable

Interrogative Sentences

Has/ have + sub + {not} + V1 + object + ?

क्या उसे भीख मांगनी पड़ती है?

Has he to beg?

क्या तुम्हें दिन में काम नही करना पड़ता है?

Have you not to do work in the day?

क्या आपको निबंध लिखना है?

Have you to write a essay?

क्या उसे सब्जी लानी पड़ती है?

Has he to bring the vegetable?

Double Interrogative Sentences

Why / where / when etc + has / have + sub + V1 + object+ ?

तुम्हे क्यो भीख मांगनी पड़ती है?

Why have you to beg?

उसे दिल्ली क्यो जाना पड़ता है?

Why has he to go to delhi?

आपको निबंध क्यों लिखना पड़ता है?

Why have you to write a essay?

रमन को मुम्बई कब जाना है?

When has Raman to ga to Mumbai?

हमलोंगो को गरीबों की मदद क्यों करनी है?

Why have we not to help poor?

Read Basics of English through Hindi :

It ‘In hindi

Is , Am, Are ” in hindi

Was and Were का प्रयोग इन हिंदी

There का प्रयोग इन हिंदी

Has , Have का प्रयोग इन हिंदी

Had का प्रयोग

Also read :

“ Can and Could ” in Hindi

May in Hindi

Might In Hindi

Must in Hindi

Must Have In Hindi

Should In Hindi

Should Have In Hindi

For learning English to Hindi Translation ! Must read this :

[1] Present Tense with rule and examples-

Present indefinite Tense in hindi

Present Continuous Tense in hindi

Present Perfect Tense in hindi

Present Perfect Continuous Tense in hindi

[2] Past Tense with rule and examples-

Past Indefinite Tense In Hindi

Past Continuous Tense In Hindi

Past Perfect Tense In Hindi

Past Perfect Continuous Tense In Hindi

[3] Future Tense with rule and examples-

Future Indefinite Tense In Hindi

Future Continuous Tense In Hindi

Future Perfect Tense In Hindi

Future Perfect Tense In hindi

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